Gregory Lewis - Uiver 2014

During the 1934 London to Melbourne air race the KLM aircraft Uiver made an emergency night-landing at Albury with the help of local citizens. Cars were lined up alongside to provide runway lighting.

Read the full story

For the 80th anniversary the local aero club held an open day. The Uiver replica is a static display with an alarming list and in danger of disintegrating. Cars from the period were displayed alongside the plane.

I bought my N75, Sigma 24-105mm and Portra 800 shot at E.I. 400. My shutter was often at 1/2000 while outdoors. Portra 800 with it’s huge over-exposure latitude easily absorbed the extra light.

I also took my N90s, Kodak BW400CN and Voigtlander 40mm with an orange filter.

Personal club planes, historic aircraft and Warbirds from Temora were displayed outside the hangars.

An antique mechanical organ entertained the crowds. Inside the hangers local railway modellers promoted their hobby with some beautiful O Scale trains. Here the Portra 800 and the stabilisation of the Sigma lens paid off, allowing me to handhold at 1/4 second.