Gregory Lewis - Healesville

The scenic route from Seymour to Melbourne via Healesville covers winding mountain roads and lush forests making for an ideal country drive.

At Healesville I visited the historic railway and was able to walk around the site. The only downside was the ubiquitous "heritage colours" used to deface the original building. More unnecessary meddling by that pointless government department charged with painting every historic building in Australia the same colour!

B&W images on Kodak BW400CN at EI 250. Colour on Portra 800 at EI 400. Camera was an N75 with a Sigma 24-105mm.

Healesville Sactuary was shrouded in mist and rain when I arrived. Most of the animals were under shelter. However it was still an interesting place to explore. The giant wooden animal statues were a feature, set amid rainforest landscaping. Each exhibit is hidden behind a corridor of trees, waterfalls and giant ferns. Walking though the quiet, natural environment reveals a new surprise at every turn.