Gregory Lewis - Morris Minors

Morris Minor owners are a mixed lot. Some spend their lives returning their favourite car to showroom perfection while others use the basic shape as a starting point for extreme modifications. A few just enjoy driving and run the cars into the ground. All types were represented at the 2015 national gathering in Albury.

Most shots were taken on a Nikon N75 with a Sigma 24-105mm and Ektar 100, run at box speed on a slightly overcast day.

I happened to have on hand an FE2 loaded with Portra 800 and a Voigtlander 40mm. I set the ISO meter to 400 and fired away. The bright viewfinder and effortless manual focussing were a treat and at least as fast as the auto-focus on the N75.

The Voigtlander has a hard infinity stop that allowed me to just leave it there and use f/11 to bring everything into focus down to about 20 feet (6 metres). For anything closer the bright viewfinder snapped into focus very quickly.

This is a particularly easy camera to use. Set the shutter to "A", choose an aperture, frame, focus and shoot. The metering is excellent and the body/lens combo is much smaller and easier to handle than any FX digital Nikon.

Total weight of the FE2 and lens is around 26oz (730g), less than a Df body alone. The D610 body with a battery and card is 30oz (850g). A 24-85 kit lens is another 16oz (460g). Nikon's current full-frame solutions are still too heavy in my view. There are very few FX camera/lens combos that come in under a kilo (2.2lbs).