Gregory Lewis - Superia 1600

My local camera shop asked me to try some Fujifilm Superior 1600. It was a film I had not considered before, usually using Portra 800 at EI 400 for dark interiors. I was surprised by the quality of the Superior. It was far better than I expected.

I visited the local museum to view exhibits on transport, immigration, local history and indigenous culture. I used Nikon’s miniature auto masterpiece the F75 with the MB-18 grip. I see this grip as mandatory for use with large lenses like the Tamron 15-30mm f/2.8 I used. All exposures were in the 1/4 second range.

The film grain is more obvious here than in Kodak Portra 800 but in a lovely random way only film can provide, and it’s a full stop faster. I think it gives a certain charm to museum photos. Superia 1600 is, sadly, no longer available...