Gregory Lewis - Locomotive 3801

Australia’s most famous historic steam train toured the region recently, passing by my home. The shot below was taken over my back fence with a Nikon 70-200mm f/4 lens on a Nikon F6. Film for all shots on this page was Kodak Portra 800 with exposure compensation set at +1.0.

3801 was built in 1943. After retirement from government service in 1974 is has been returned to tourist operations several times. Most notably, it joined The Flying Scotsman during its Australian tour in 1988. At that time I recall my family walking out the front door of the church we lived in to see the British locomotive on display.

3801 was stabled at the Junee Roundhouse Museum. My wife and I travelled there to see their collection of rolling stock and railway memorabilia. I took my F6 and Tamron 15-30mm f/2.8 lens.

The roundhouse is still in operation as a repair facility. On this day several assorted diesels were in for servicing. The closeup shots were taken with a Nikon 70-200mm f/4 zoom.

The small museum is well managed and well worth taking the time to view the exhibits. These include an old track diagram for the area behind my home, replaced in 2018 when a new Network Control Centre was built.